Flight Log Blog2023-02-07T18:55:57+00:00
Want to see your
sales take flight?
We got you!

Tips, tricks, advice, and more from our experienced Wingmen to help your sales and business development efforts soar.


Create Momentum

Guest on this call:
MaverickApp marketing gal, Risa Auger.
She doesn’t say much, but when she does, she is coaching and encourages Steve to keep going.

On this call, we forgot to record the intro (yikes!), so you’ll see Steve just jumping right into his comfort zone and dialing away.

Call 1: Mark.


MaverickApp’s Guide to Crafting a Perfect Email Signature

Thousands of professional emails are sent per person each year. Each one is an opportunity to connect with prospects, current clients, and colleagues.

Through these digital interactions, email signatures have become a hybrid of traditional business card and banner advertisement. More than simply providing your contact information in an easy-to-locate place,


Hit the ‘Later’ Button to Increase Productivity

You think you’re being a good colleague. You finish that small project that has been darkening your to-do list for days, and innocently send an email out letting your team know as you prepare to move onto your next task. . Next thing you know, you’re sucked right


Calls Build Relationships

Your host Steve Wallace lets you in on his thoughts and tactics for Cold Calling.

Guests on this call:
MaverickApp owner, Brent Hale.
He shares his own dash of wisdom, and a bit of laughter.

MaverickApp marketing gal, Risa Auger.
She doesn’t say much, but she’s rooting for great questions and taking notes!

Health and


MaverickApp’s Email Etiquette Rules

Like it or not, email has become the default mode of communication for business (and, in many cases, our personal lives too). Writing and responding to the hundreds of emails we deal with every week takes up a shockingly large portion of our workday yet many professionals don’t understand how